Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

YHR Biogas Electricity Generation Projects

  • Huanghua Project
    Huanghua Project
    Using cow manure as raw material, the project can produce 20000m ³ biogas per day, which is used for power generation for cattle farms, and the anaerobic fermentation solid digestate is dried and use...
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  • Shouguang Project
    Shouguang Project
    Anaerobic fermentation solid digestate is dried and used as cattle bedding material. The project can produce up to 20,000 m³ of biogas per day using cow dung as its raw material. This biogas is used to power cattle farms.
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  • Pingluo Project
    Pingluo Project
    This project is a supporting manure treatment project for 25,000 dairy cows. With manure, spray water and milk hall wastewater as the main raw materials, it is expected to produce 50,00m ³ of biogas ...
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  • Xingtai Project
    Xingtai Project
    The project annually treats 450,000 tons of sewage, producing 24,000m³ of biogas daily (8.76 million m³ annually). It generates 18 million Kwh of electricity and produces 30,000 tons of solid digestate bedding, used for cattle bedding material.
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  • Handan Project
    Handan Project
    The project can produce 24000m³ of biogas per day using cow dung as its raw material. This biogas is used to power cattle farms, and the solid digestate from anaerobic fermentation is dried and used as cattle bedding material.
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How Does A Biogas Plant Transform Biogas Into Electricity?

How Does A Biogas Plant Transform Biogas Into Electricity?

A biogas plant can achieve electricity generation using biogas through a process called cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP). In this process, biogas, which is primarily methane generated from the anaerobic digestion of organic materials like agricultural waste, animal manure, or sewage, is used as fuel to power an engine or turbine.

The biogas is combusted within the engine or turbine, causing it to rotate. This rotational motion is then converted into electricity by a generator connected to the engine or turbine. The electricity generated can be used on-site to power electrical appliances, machinery, or lighting within the biogas plant made by biogas plant suppliers.

Additionally, the heat produced as a byproduct of the combustion process can be captured and utilized for heating purposes, such as space heating or water heating. This combined heat and power approach maximizes the efficiency of the biogas plant by utilizing both the electricity and heat generated from the biogas, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly energy solution for biogas power generation.


Generation Of Power From Biogas — Environmental Benefits

Converting biogas to electricity offers environmental benefits by reducing methane emissions from organic waste, and mitigating climate change. Biogas, derived from waste, has a lower carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels, aiding in cleaner air and sustainable energy. Biogas production plants improve waste management practices, diverting organic waste from landfills and curbing greenhouse gas release. This renewable energy source fosters local economic growth through job creation and supports sustainable agriculture by producing nutrient-rich fertilizers. Therefore, the biogas energy project contributes to a greener future by promoting renewable energy adoption and mitigating environmental degradation.

Generation Of Power From Biogas — Environmental Benefits
Get In Touch With YHR Environment for Your Custom-built Biogas Plant