Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

YHR Profile

Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (YHR Environment) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Juncheng Herui Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd (JCHR). JCHR offers comprehensive solutions for agricultural and rural environmental challenges, focusing on addressing husbandry-related pollution, recycling biomass resources, and enhancing rural ecological environments. The company specializes in providing clients with solutions for pollutant treatment and the sustainable exploitation of natural resources.

YHR Profile

Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries

Tangshan Yingherui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. Beijing Yingchuang Hemei New Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Tangshan Yingherui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

To advance environmental protection efforts in China and provide globally competitive equipment, Yingherui invested in a new facility in Tangshan, Hebei Province. In 2017, Tangshan Yingherui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. (formerly Yingherui Equipment Division) was established. The manufacturing base boasts state-of-the-art production lines for enamel steel plates, dust-free biogas double-membrane gas cabinet processing workshops, and non-standard equipment processing workshops, yielding over 100,000 enamel steel plates annually. The company adheres strictly to national standards, ensuring international competitiveness.

Beijing Yingchuang Hemei New Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd.

In 2017, YHR Environment established Beijing Yingchuang Hemei New Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd. (formerly YHR Environment Investment Division). This company, involved in efficiently utilizing agricultural organic waste as an investor and operator, also practices third-party governance in the resourceful utilization of livestock manure.

Yingchuang Hemei prioritizes waste treatment and integrates planting and breeding through biogas and biogas fertilizer production to achieve ecological development. It invests in constructing regional centers for the comprehensive disposal of agricultural organic waste, aiming to address regional agricultural pollution, promote ecological and sustainable development, and contribute to the restructuring of local agriculture.


Development History

March forward regardless of hardship, and stay true to the mission


Beijing Yingherui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. was established


YHR Environment Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks started to be applied to landfill leachate treatment projects, and the company put its footprint on international market in the same year


YHR Environment Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks are widely used in biomass biogas projects


YHR Environment has obtained the national high-tech firms


Undertook Tianjin Farm (with livestock population of 200,000) Biogas Project of COFCO Meat Company


The company name was changed to Beijing Yingherui Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.

  • YHR Environment completed the oversize straw biogas project in Laoling, Shandong Province

  • Received the honorary certificate of Innovation and Application of Key Technologies for Efficient Anaerobic Transformation of Agricultural Waste Biomass issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of China

  • Completed ''China Agricultural University Industrial Biogas Engineering Platform Construction Project''

  • Cooperated with China Agricultural University to study the Development of Automatic Control System for Nitrogen Removal from Pig Farm Wastewater and Bio-desulfurization in Biogas Engineering


YHR Environment undertook the large-scale biogas power generation and grid connection project at the ten-thousand cattle pasture in Laoling, Shandong Province

Undertook the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission's special project of Research on Key Technologies of Bio-gas and Demonstration of Science and Technology

  • YHR Environment led to draft standards of China’s Glass-Fused-to-Steel Tanks sector

  • Constructed the bio-desulfurization project treating 40,000 cubic meters of biogas per day

  • Constructed the domestic pure straw biogas project of 32,000 cubic meters


The company changed its name to Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

  • YHR Environment provided third-party treatment of livestock manure for Yongcheng Project of COFCO

  • Held Biomass Biogas Summit Forum

  • Carry out four scientific research projects, i.e., Biological Desulfurization, Biogas Slurry Utilization, Super Large Tank, and Straw Fermentation Technology hand in hand with Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology

  • Implemented Research and Development of Complete-set Technology and Equipment for Anaerobic Fermentation and Recycling of Agricultural Wastes under "research and development of comprehensive prevention and remediation technologies for agricultural surface source and heavy metal contaminated farmland", the national key research and development plan

  • YHR Environment contracted to handle 2,500 tons of discarded vegetables per day

  • Elected as the Most Valuable Company to Be Invested in China's Environmental Protection and New Energy Sector

  • Won the first place on Brand Rising List in China's Environmental Protection Brands

  • Entrusted by the General Animal Husbandry Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, held Nationwide Special Forum on Capital Operation in Resourcefully utilizing Livestock Manure

  • Passed the NSF61 authentication

  • Tangshan Yingherui Environmental Protection Equipment Co.,Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of YHR Environment, was officially put into operation

  • YHR Environment won the first Prize of "2019 Renewable Energy Industry Science and Technology Progress Award Enterprise"

  • Won the First Prize of Agricultural Machinery Science and Technology Award

  • Assisted in organizing the "2019 National Large-scale Bio-Natural Gas Technology Innovation Exchange Conference"

  • The Framework Agreement on the Development Project of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Beijing-Mongolia Poverty Alleviation Agricultural Circular Economy Park was signed with the Government of Qyouzhong Banner of Ulanqab City

  • Tangshan YHR undertakes "Organic Solid Waste Anaerobic Treatment Technology and Equipment Exchange Meeting"

  • YHR Environment won the general contract of the EPC project of Guoneng Biomass Tongliao Biogas Project, which is the first project involved in the field of biogas by State Grid

  • Bid-winning Derun (Wuchang) Biomass Development Co., Ltd., Biomass cogeneration EPC project General contract, this project is the third straw biogas power generation project of China Resources Co., Ltd.

  • successively won by YHR after the two projects of Yilan and Lalin Phase I in Harbin

  • Won the qualification certificate of "Specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises in Beijing

  • The company name was changed to Beijing Yingherui Environmental Technology Co., LTD.

  • YHR Environmental won the title of Emerging Tech

  • Business Giant by China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  • Won the "China Circular Economy Association Science and Technology Third Prize"

  • Bid-winning Youran Dairy Saikexing Benfang ten-thousand cattle pasture manure treatment project

  • Bid-winning Youran Dairy Shouguang ten-thousand cattle pasture manure treatment project

  • Bid-winning Youran Dairy Changfeng cattle pasture manure treatment project

  • Bid-winning Youran Dairy Guanxian ten-thousand cattle pasture manure treatment project

  • Bid-winning Youran Dairy Ruyang cattle pasture manure treatment project

  • Bid-winning Youran Dairy Qixian cattle pasture manure treatment project


Bid-winning Youran Dairy Hanting ten-thousand cattle pasture manure treatment project

Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture
  • Enterprise vision

Complete solution supplier of Urban and rural organic waste

Supplier of the integrated environmental protection equipment

  • Core values

Exceed customer expectations

  • Enterprise mission

Add natural shades of color to people's lives

  • Enterprise development concept

Make innovations in ecological development

International Market

Global business layout, Yingherui's has operated its business in more than ten countries and regions such as Russia, Southeast Asia, Australia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and Greece

International Market

International Partner

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Get In Touch With YHR Environment for Your Custom-built Biogas Plant